Wild Animals! I Mean...Toddlers!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Okay, so in the past 2 weeks Emma has received the worst injuries to date. I don't know what has gotten into her, but this 16 mo. mark really made her run and jump and climb like little cave baby. Two weeks ago it started when when we were signing papers for the house, she ran into an aluminum chair and split her lip open (pictured here). Then, a week later, I was chasing her, she ran into the mattress on our bed, bounced off, and busted open her gums by her front 2 teeth on the bed frame. Then, just last Friday, she took her first visit to the ER when she tripped over her playdate and flew head-first into the corner of the wall. Everything is okay, of course, but man has she given us a few scares! And she's not even to the "terrible" twos yet! What's next?!


Michelle said...

Oh man those are some bad falls! They can get scary! Abby's worst to date: falling really hard into the wall, hitting her forehead, and getting a golf ball sized purple bump within seconds...scary!