Emma's First Sentence

Saturday, June 28, 2008

La primera oracion de Emma fue cuando estabamos dejando a Emmanuel para su dia de trabajo. Mientras el estaba caminando para la entrada, grito Emma...

It was Thursday and we were dropping off Emmanuel to work. As he was walking away from the car into the building, she shouted...

"Bye bye Papi!"


Emilio Z. said...

super por la primera oracion de Emma.
me encanto tambien el vidoe de ella haciendo helado. gracias por subir estos videos. saludos

{ Lana Cox } said...

How cute, I bet Emmanuel loved that. I hope you had a great birthday! We definately need to get together soon. We'll be back from Galveston Monday, so I'll talk to you next week. Oh, and don't forget, I owe you a babysit :)