My Buddy

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Emma and I have been the best of pals this week. Since all of our visits left, we've had to beat the long boring days without Papi and friends. We've been cooking together, going to the pool, reading new books, and working on words. Today Emma wanted to make macaroni and cheese. She nibbled a little hole in the top of the box and shook it upside down until all the pasta was on the kitchen floor. I couldn't stop her because she was having so much fun.

I hide books that require supervision. Board books are the only ones she can play with by herself because of some previous accidents (even some board books have been destroyed). Anyway, I got a few out today and yesterday and Emma has been fascinated by this Spanish-English picture dictionary. She sat with me almost an hour "reading" it. She's a language geek like her pap and I. She only has to be told once, and she remembers an object for days. She's also into story-telling when her Papi gets home. These are classic ones:

"Ot. Agua. Sheshee. Mami. Toot-toot. Pool."

"Ryah. (her buddy) Oso. Monkey. Ippo. Soo."

Try guessing in comments what each word is. I tried to write them just like she pronounces them :)


Michelle said...

That's so fun and nice you have so much time for just the two of you. I wouldn't say I miss the one-child days, but, it sure was easier to read for almost an hour!

Hollygram said...


What a beautiful photo of Emma! She looks so happy!

I am glad to know that she is enjoying her books..

Emma has two special parents.. who take time for her.. she is one lucky little girl!!

Love to all!
