
Monday, July 5, 2010

This silly goose is my princess-aholic.

Don't be fooled - she's got attitude.

She's quite the expert in dressing up, marrying, kissing...

Emma the silly bird.

Emma's eczema and sensitive skin conditions have gotten quite a bit worse in the past 2 months. Life is not like a kid's should be.

Today we are going to try a new diet for Emma and with the whole family (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). One year ago I tried a pretty strict diet (GAPS) and we lasted 4 days. Emma was so picky back then that she would rather starve than eat wholesome food. Now that she's a little older and eating more wholesome foods, my prayer is that this will be easier on all of us. We have been seeing a nutritionist who recommends this diet. There are miraculous stories of children being cured of autism, asperger's, chronic diarrhea, diverticulitis, even Chron's disease. Hopefully the duration and intensity won't be as terrible with us because Emma's condition is not as severe as those mentioned. We are trying to restore proper function of the digestive tract (leaky gut, gut dysbiosis) as well as greatly decrease the amount of yeast or candida present. Once these conditions are stable, I believe her eczema will go away completely or greatly and all digestive problems AND ALLERGIES will disappear (except maybe peanut). My goal is to do this diet solid until we leave for NY on Aug. 17, and at that time, re-evaluate. Here it goes....scrambled eggs for breakfast!

Garden Hiccups

Success! A lovely growing cantaloupe.

A hollow, dried-out wax bean from a diseased plant :(

Poor cucumber babies. They did so well last year!

RRRARRR! Birdies get away from my tomatoes!

Homemade scarecrow. Could anything be scarier than a red balloon-headed Emma? If the disease isn't getting my tomatoes, the birdies will not, either! Little monsters.