I Blogged!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

So the story is that one day at Brackenridge Park, I left the brakes off my stroller on a windy day. Granted, there wasn't a kid in there, but there was a bag full of picnic food, my wallet, and MY CAMERA all tumbling into the nasty duck pond. After the dunk we submerged the camera in rice, buckwheat, quinoa, with no results. No camera equals no pictures equals boring blog. Hence the L-O-N-G break. Hopefully we're back and can stay with the habit of blogging again. Here are some pictures from June (the camera was a birthday present)!

My little artist.

The background is just as interesting as the foreground in this one :)

"We rock!" he says.


My girl and me on my birthday.


Lexi said...

Nice Camera! I can tell. Happy belated birthday... I am sorry I missed it! That's right, just a couple days after Ryah's. Two too cute kids!Love the Emma in the background one!

Samantha Hanny said...

I'm honored you're using my photos on your blog :)

But anyways THANK GOODNESS you are blogging again! We missed you :)

I am loving your new camera and the beautiful photos you are taking. Ben looks so much older, holy cow! I love the one where Emma is making a scary face in the backround LOL. Oh and the laundry basket one is so cute. You and Emma look adorable in the last one.

Yeah. I love them all. ha.

Hollygram said...


I love the pics on your blog.. treasure the moments!!

The kids are getting so big!

I can't believe how long your hair is..

Soon you will be New York bound!!!

Love you all!


Halsey said...

I love the demon Emma in the background. Haha!