Thursday, June 4, 2009
The other day I was about to scold Emma for taking so many baby wipes out of the container. Then, instead of doing so I decided to follow her and see what she was up to. I found what is pictured here: 1 "baby" per step, face down, with a baby wipe on each of their backs. She told me she was putting her babies to sleep. I proceeded to let her take as many wipes as she wanted for a couple of days, until I could no longer stand the waste :)
My sweet Emma is super creative, a star to her brother, and Mami's little helper. But she's been pretty sick. That's the reason I have been inactive from my blog for 2 weeks now.
As some of you may know, Emma has a slew of food allergies. It was my understanding that they were a passing thing and that I shouldn't pay too much attention to them and they would go away. Well, that advice was wrong. Emma had diarrhea for about 2 months before I took her to a specialist. After some extensive testing, we found out the good news and the bad. She does not have celliac disease and her allergies are likely to pass. However, she has a moderate allergy to wheat, corn, soy, and rice, among others. What that means is that she can't have any one serving of those grains twice a day, and for the more severe ones, not twice in 3-5 days. For those of you familiar with celliac disease and the gluten-free lifestyle, most alternatives to wheat all have corn, soy, or rice in them.
Needless to say, it's been a hard couple of weeks for Emma and I. It's a horrible feeling to have your kid crying at you because she's hungry while your mind is blank at what to feed her. We still have those moments, but hopefully they are mostly in the past. I am happy to say that in the 2 weeks her diet's been changed, she was only sick once, whereas before, it was every day. Unfortunately though, since the change in diet, her eczema has flared up horribly. Emma is my jigsaw puzzle. Together with the Lord, we're working on it.
I'm so sorry Michelle! That's got to be so hard. I am glad to hear she has felt better on the diet. I'll try and keep a lookout for gluten free recipes. I know at wholefoods they have these "Laura's wholesome junk food" and some of them are gluten free. They are REALLY yummy to, even Chad loved them. She's coming out with a cookbook as well, but not until 2010.
Fuag!!! ya sé lo que se siente no saber que hacer de comer cuando se trata de cosas mas saludables y que no está uno muy acostumbrada a tener ese tipo de variedades en recetas.
Espero que Emma vaya mejorando y que todo el esfuerzo valga la pena, y estoy segura que así será.
Creo que cuando Marina y Emma se vuelvan a ver van a disfrutar mas jugar pues ya se van a entender en eso de ser pequeñas mamás. Esa foto dice mas que mil palabras.
Cuídense mucho
besos a todos
Oh boy. The girl I visit teach currently makes everything out of buckwheat. It has no gluten and it isn't soy, rice, or corn. That is certainly a tough one! I know you'll figure it out.
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