Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Today Emma woke up to two silly parents singing her happy birthday in 2 languages. During the day Emma helped mommy make her birthday cake, painted some presents the 3 kings gave her, found the stash of last year's birthday gear, ate lunch with Papi, took a nap. When she woke up there was a table full of presents from HollyGram and Grandpa, Mom and Dad. When Papi got home we went to Grimaldi's per Emma's request, where she played with pizza dough and we ate. Upon arriving home, the Hartmans came over to sing Happy Birthday with us, and we cut the cake and Emma opened her presents. During the day she talked extensively with Grandma, Aunt Sam, Grandpa and HollyGram, and Abuela Chagua on the phone. It was a fun day!
She loves cooking and helping in the kitchen. When we were in Mexico, she helped her Abuela Chagua make empanadas every morning, even if they weren't for breakfast :)
Emma also really likes puzzles. She always requests to go to the library, Children's Museum, Zoo, and park. She likes to stay busy.
Emma has a language gift. She knows when to switch from Spanish to English and will translate for you based on which language she knows you speak. While in Mexico, she rolled her "r"s for the first time! My sister-in-law told me that kids in Mexico don't do that until 5 or 7 years old. She is intuitive by nature, so language comes easy for her.
Emma's appetite is good when it's monitored carefully. One has to be watchful of letting too many sweets and refined carbs into her diet or she'll stop eating savory foods and hold out for the sweets. Right now we can take her out and she'll eat a hamburger, a taco, an enchilada, a piece of pizza. She's not too picky I don't think, although I'd love for her to willingly eat a vegetable! The other day I was feeding her fried rice and piling the rice on top of the veggies so she couldn't see them. When I offered them to her in sight, of course she refused, and when I persisted, she gagged! It's amazing how powerful her little mind is! Of course they were the same vegetables she had been eating all along, but the sight of them and the knowledge of them in her mouth was enough to provoke a physical reaction!
Emma's skin has made some improvements since implementing a new program given to us by a leading dermatologist in Mexico. She still has breakouts, but they are more easily controlled with this mostly chemical-free treatment plan.
Emma has been equally more tender and more commanding with her brother. Sometimes I'll catch her saying "no Bitos" (while Ben is eating paper) and snatching something away from him before I even know what's going on. Ben mocks her and goes around saying "no, no, no, no" haha. She also gives him hugs and kisses in which Ben says, "nite-nite".
Emma vividly remembers people, facts, and events that even I can't remember. It is for this reason that she knows and remembers each one of her family members. She has stories and sometimes even animal names for every one of them.
Happy Birthday Emma dear :) We need to have you over to play sometime, it's been awhile!!
Felicidades, esperamos que te la hayas pasado bonito en tu cumple...
Te mandamos un besito y una cara de cheese!
Con amor
Tio Rigo,Tia Paty, Marina y Andy... También Toto...
Tu regalito llegará pronto...
Wow, she's getting so big! What a sweetie. (Ben's growing fast, too!)
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