Abuela Chagua Was Here (Grandma Rosa)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The last couple weeks of April my mother-in-law came for a long visit. She just had to see her grand baby Ben that is a clone of his father! While she was here my house was always clean thanks to her help, and I only had to cook and do dishes like half of the days! We also did, as always, a TON of shopping, in which my budget is still recovering haha and probably hers. We definitely have our differences mother-in-law and I, but we're family! !Gracias por tu visita Chagua, te queremos!!

p.s. Sorry I'm still in April with the blogging, friends! I'm working on it!


Hollygram said...

Hi Shelly,

Very nice photos!!! I am sure Emmanuel's mother had a very nice visit..

I can get over how much Ben looks like you in the second photo!! :) His hair is getting so long...

How is my buddy Emma doing?? :)

I trust you all are well..

Take care,,

Love to all,


Halsey said...

Don't worry about blogging everything. I have noticed that the busier my life gets and the more I live it, the less time I have to blog. Isn't that great?