Here is the approximate time line of how things went:
Thursday 16, At night (around 10PM), first contractions occur, Michelle thinks it's gas.
Friday 17 9:00 AM Michelle is sure she is having contractions.
Saturday 18 3:30 AM Until this point, contractions had been mild. Then they change in intensity and Michelle can't sleep anymore.
Saturday 18 10:00 PM Since contractions are still 9-10 minutes apart, though strong, Michelle thinks she can try going to bed and wait until next morning to go to the birth center.
Saturday 18 10:30 PM Michelle changes her mind about going to bed and contractions start getting REALLY intense, still, about 9 minutes apart.
Saturday 18 11:30 PM Michelle calls Alisa (her midwife) and they agree that she should get to the birth center due to the intensity of the contractions.
Saturday 18 11:32 PM Contractions' frequency goes from 9 minutes down to 2 minutes.
Sunday 19 12:20 AM (Time according to chart records) Michelle get officially admited into Birth Center.
Sunday 19 1:25 AM Benjamin Apolinar Garrido is born.
So there you have it. Overall, it was a pretty wild night. Ben is pretty healthy and he is very well-behaved so far. Emma has been trying to play blocks with him and sharing her pacifier. It's too bad he is not very good with blocks yet.
On a personal note, I'd like to thank:
San Antonio Birth Center: For your encouragement, coaching and because the staff deals with people, not just clients.
Alisa Voss: For helping me understand Michelle and her crazy idea of having a baby the natural way much, much better.
Jess and Jack: For helping us taking care of Emma.
Monster Energy: For allowing me to not feel like a zombie today (Yes, the drink with the "unleash the beast slogan).
Anyone who has read this far: For letting me know I'm not that boring after all. ;)
Here are some pictures of Ben: