
Monday, October 20, 2008

So I know I should have a lot to say and a story of my own to share right now, but I am seriously still processing it all. After all of the drama, it was all about us having this little baby in our arms. And when I look at him, it was all worth it. It was imaginations of my baby boy's soft sweet head against my cheek that brought me to him - and now I have him and I am humbled beyond words.


Erin said...

Congratulations Michelle. I'm glad things went well and am so glad it was a good experience for you. Let me know if you need anything, please. I want to bring you a meal when you get moved in and settled. I don't know if you guys ever told us how much Ben weighed, etc? We need the stats! Take care!

Unknown said...

Michelle muchas felicidades por haber logrado lo que tanto querías, todos estamos muy contentos y sabemos lo que ahora estan pasando entre alegría por el nacimiento de Ben, la preocupación de atender a Emma al mismo tiempo y lo que viene del cambio de casa!! Muy estresante!! pero sabemos que todo va a seguir tan bien como hasta ahora!
También estamos orgullosos de Emmanuel porque sabemos que está al pendiente de tí y de Emma ya ahora del pequeño Ben! Otra vez Felicidades!
Los queremos mucho!

Hollygram said...

Hello Garrido Family,

Your photos speak for themselves.. how beautiful.. no words are needed.


Life is wonderful!

Love to all!


Halsey said...

Michelle! You are so beautiful! I am so inspired by you. I have long wanted to try natural birth whenever we get around to having kids, and I'm just so encouraged by your experience. Congratulations! Ben is such a beautiful little baby. Felicidades mi amor!

Grandma said...

Dear Michelle and Emmanuel,
Ben has an amazing Mom and Dad!
The Garrido clan has had an experience they will never forget.

Ben sure is a precious little guy,
healthy and handsome.

Thanks for sharing so much with us-
so soon too!


Katie Smith said...

Congratulations Michelle and Emmanuel! I know I'm late responding, but it's been crazy around here too. But I'm so excited for you and I'm happy that your little boy is bringing you so much joy. Aren't babies amazing?

Sending you our love,
Katie, Mike & Jack