Silly Pictures

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Random faces on everybody!

Ben news flash! He's walking!

Have you noticed Emma got bangs? We are getting ready for Halloween...can you guess what her costume might be? By the way, I know I cut them a little short, whoops. Hair grows fast. Poor girl. Papi has come up with a few creative ways to describe what she looks like with her new bangs. My favorite is "young medieval prince". What do you think? Real bad?


Hollygram said...

Adorable pics! I love the first one.. Emma has bangs like Hollygram and even is wearing the pink dress I gave her!!! :) Love it!! Ben looks like he is not too sure about a few things!! The last photo is precious.. Emma's bangs are adorable.. at least they are straight!!



Michelle G. said...

Holly- we've been waiting for long-sleeve weather to wear that dress! Good eye! And glad you like the bangs! They should be the perfect length for our trip to NY in a few weeks :)

Michelle said...

Yeah the bangs are really cute on her! I'm guessing she's going to be Dora!

Erin said...

Ahhh, Ben's walking?! How exciting! New adventures! And Emma's bangs look cute, that last picture darling! I'd guess she's going to be Dora also. I feel like I haven't talking to you in ages. We have alot to catch up on. I'll try to give you a call tomorrow when Kenner is at preschool.

lanabobana said...

i think the bangs are cute too! I cheated and read the other responses, but I'm now guessing Dora as well. What's Ben going to be? I can't believe how much he looks like his daddy! I see both of you in Emma though. Well, we need to get together one of these days, it's been forever!