Monday, December 10, 2007
Why the wacko pictures? Well, weeks ago, Emmanuel decided to teach Emma a new trick. In Mexico, the way to describe a wrinkled up nose is the "viejito" (vee-a-hee-toe) which means, roughly, little old guy (look at the 1st picture and you'll get it). So Emmanuel taught Emma how to make the viejito face, and of course, she's been doing it ever since. Trouble is, sometimes it's hard to get her to smile normal. This weekend when we were in a restaurant, she kept "flirting" as we call it with the people at the table next to us. She was smiling and waving and viejito-ing. I wonder how the people would have reacted if we were in Mexico! I guess we'll find out here in a few weeks, because it doesn't look like the wrinkled nose is going anywhere (especially because we can't help but laugh when she does it).
This is so cute! Jack does this too and we totally crack up when he does it. I don't know where it got it from, but he does it ALL the time!
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