House Progress

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sheet rock waiting to be installed on the second floor (baby boy's room).

Plumbing and electrical lines in the kitchen

The back of the house - pretty much finished!


Erin said...

Looking good. Sorry, I'm not too helpful with the updates anymore. I actually didn't even know that your sheetrock had been delivered. Missed seeing the big truck there doing that, oops. But things are moving along, that's exciting!

Halsey said...

Wow, that house is really coming up! How awesome for you to be able to put together your own place. If we ever come down that way we will stop in for SURE. Emma is SO cute! Just like her mama. p.s. I LOVE the spanish entries.

Hollygram said...

Dear Garrido Family,

Your home is coming along nicely!! I can't wait to see the house when it is completed!!

Home sweet home!!

Take care..


Brandi said...

I really enjoy seeing updates on your house! So keep them coming! I am really excited for you guys and what a great thing to have your own house! Hope you are doing good and Emma and Emmanuel!

Unknown said...

Are you guys just way super excited for your house? It is looking good! We missed you guys on Monday and hope you are all well.