Grandpa and Holly-Gram visit from NY

Friday, April 10, 2009

Grandpa and Ben at Salt Lick (yum!)

It's snowing in NY as they are lying here...

Ben and Holly-Gram

Ready for Shamu the whale to splash us at SeaWorld! (Emma cried when he did.)

My Dad celebrated his 49th birthday here with us.


Brandi said...

Hey Michelle! Sorry I haven't been leaving comments, Krey's family was here from Idaho for about 2 weeks and then my brother came to visit, then we've all been really sick and trying to get over that....anyway sorry.

I know that you'll do great with losing weight! You'll have to update on how it is coming along:)My goal is to be back to the weight(and in shape) as I was when I got married by Krey's graduation from Optometry school in May 2010(next year). I have a lot of work to do, but when I get okay at my 6 week check-up it'll begin:)

I am so glad that your family was able to visit:) It really is so wonderful to have family come and to be able to show them around and have tons of fun! Cool! Looks like you guys are doing good! Sure miss you and hope to be able to come visit you guys sooner than later. Hope you have a wonderful Easter! Take care!

Love, Brandi

Hollygram said...

Hi Shelly,

Great photos!! Though I think that I look like Shamu in the lounge chair photo.. We could have stayed home!! Man, do I have to lose weight or get a botox! :)

Love and miss you!

