Monday, April 21, 2008

The reason it's been a whole week since my last post is because we just got back from NY last night. We had a great time catching up with family and showing off Emma :-) Even though we planned for winter weather, it was in the mid-70s by the weekend, so we got to do some fun outdoor things, like taking Emma to the park and jumping on the trampoline. We also took the time to go to the beautiful Boston Temple with my mom.

There is always lots of "drama" as I like to call it going home, but it was a refreshingly busy week compared to the usual stay-at-home life in TX. Here are some pictures from the fun things we did, but I always wish I took more! We took some professional portraits while we were there, so when I get those in the mail, I'll have to post those as well. They show the whole family a lot better than these do.


Brandi said...

Looks like you had a nice time! I bet it was just great to see your family and to spend time with them. They probably just loved on Emma so much! Glad you made it back safe! Look forward to seeing the family pictures you had done:)

Brittany said...

so cute shell! i love the picture of emma and your dad, too precious!