Monday, September 22, 2008
The baby:
I am 35 weeks this week, which marks 5 weeks to go. My due date is now Oct. 28. Our baby boy (still nameless) has been making a lot of progress on the inside, already locking himself in the head-down position now for 2 weeks. Even though this can be uncomfortable for me, I am really happy that some progress is being made before we get to the day he is born. That way things will hopefully go faster and be easier. We are still planning on having him in a birthing center with a midwife. I feel very peaceful inside when I think about it. I truly believe that this has been, and will continue to be, a challenge for my mind and spirit. We had an ultrasound last Friday and we got to see the baby's nose and mouth like it was a photograph! He looks JUST LIKE his Dad. At least in the snout :) We can't wait to meet him.The house:
The house is nearing completion, and we can't believe it. The walls are painted, the doors and windows are up, the cabinets are in, and this week they will install the fixtures, the counter tops, and the flooring. Our closing date is Oct. 24. Yes, that puts 4 days between the house's "due date" and the baby's. It should be interesting. I should be worried - but I'm past that right now. I just feel very grateful and at peace that everything will work out. (This picture of the kitchen was taken on the 17th - it's the most recent I have)
"Los entidades que nos siguen creciendo"
El bebe:
Tengo 35 semanas del embarazo. La fecha de nacimiento sigue cambiando, y ahora es el 28 de octubre. El bebe (sigue sin nombre) ha progresado mucho. Tiene 2 semanas en que su cabeza esta muy abajo. Esto puede ser un poquito incomodo para mi, pero estoy feliz por cualquier progreso que pasa antes del dia de nacimiento. Espero que asi, las cosas en ese dia se van mas rapidos y son mas faciles. Todavia planeamos tener el bebe con partera y no en hospital. Ya me quite los nervios y me siento muy tranquilla cuando pienso en el nacimiento. Si llega cuando estoy en cirugia or cuando estoy con las parteras me da igual. Ha sido muy dificil para me llegar al momento en que podia decir y sentir asi. Sigue el proceso poniendo mi mente y espiritu en un desafio muy especial. Nos dieron ultrasonido el viernes y vimos perfectamente la nariz y boca del bebe. Es igualito a su papa! Igualito! Estamos emocianados conocer el nuevo bebe.
La casa:
Tambien falta poco para la casa. No lo podemos creer. Los paredes son pintadas, las puertas y ventanas puestas, los armarios puestos, y en esta semana van a poner luces y pisos. La fecha de complecion es el 24 de octubre. Si, hay 4 dias entre la fecha de nacimiento del bebe y fecha de complecion de la casa. Debe ser interesante. Debo estar preocupada - pero nada mas me siento muy agradecido y tranquilla de que todo va a ser bien.
Wow, things are getting close! 2 big exciting events! It will all work out. Please let us know what we can do to help since we are just next door!
How exciting!!! I am glad to know that everything is moving along smoothly..
I can't wait to meet " Mr. baby"! I know that he will be adorable..
With regard to your house..Look at the size of your kitchen..all the cabinets!!! Wow!!
How cool! Keep the pictures coming..:)
Wow the time sure has come fast for this little guy to arrive. Hopefully it's gone fast for you;)
How exciting that your house is almost ready. I hope that it goes smoothly and that you guys are able to close when they told you. Hope you have a good day1
no manchen con la cocina!!! Está bien grande y bonita, Emma va a tener muchos lugares donde esconderse y mucho lugar para tirar todos los trastes, ella también debe estar emocionada!
Está muy bonita su cocina y estoy segura que todo lo demás también.
Estoy muy feliz por ustedes!
Van muy bien Felicidades !!!
I am way super excited for you! Little Man will come soon and most likely at a good time for you to get in your house. I love how big your kitchen is. I bet you are way excited for these 2 big changes!
Yeah for progress! That's a good sign. Hopefully the next 5 weeks go by nice and quickly with more progress as you go.
I'm so excited (and jealous) for you guys to be getting into your house. We are going to have to come see it!
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