Garden Update

Friday, April 24, 2009

With the rain and sun combo we've been having, a lot of growth has been happening in the garden. My cilantro has sprouted a second stalk straight up about 1 foot. My tomatoes continue to grow and look healthy as ever. My peppers are a little troubled because of the low lows we've had this month, but I have high hopes for them. And herbs are so easy! All of my herbs are healthy and producing well. I love them because I bought them as transplants and they were ready to harvest then. So whenever I need rosemary, thyme, parsley, cilantro, or basil, I just go out and snip away! And I waste so much less than I would buying it in the store. At least that makes me feel better. But I am worried about my beans and peppers...

The garden about a week ago when it was rainy.

A beautiful young cuc.
(Great pic, Sam!)

What the garden looks like now.


{ Lana Cox } said...

Your garden looks great! I have to say I'm a bit jelous. Maybe I can get some tips when we decide to start ours. Oh and thanks for the nice comment.

Leah said...

Just fabulous.

Halsey said...

Wow; we planted a garden a few weeks back snowed today. Yeah. How about a self-help book for gardening in the Burg? Hahaha...

Anonymous said...

Yay :) My little picture. I had no idea it was a cucumber plant...