Indoor Cat

Monday, February 18, 2008

Gata Domesticada
!Emma tiene miedo del pasto! !No lo quiere tocar con el mano!

Today Emmanuel got off work early, and we decided to take Emma outside to find some real grass, (since she's started to run when we chase her). We found a perfectly manicured baseball field at USAA, and set her down on her feet. Her first instinct was to run because we were chasing her, but then she lost her balance and started to cry. She wasn't crying because she got hurt - she was crying because she didn't want to touch the grass! She just wanted to be held. She eventually would sit on the grass and even take a few steps, but at the end of our "accustom the baby to grass" session, she still wouldn't touch it. Hilarious.

Pictures to follow soon!


Anonymous said...

hahahaha what a goose.

afriad of grass...thats one to remember ;)

Anonymous said...

love you piglets!!!